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Friday, August 12, 2011


1. I have to do some MAJOR cleaning tonight…which is prompting me to ask…what is the absolute worst thing you hate to clean or cleaning chore you hate the most? (vacuuming, dusting, laundry, toilets, floors, etc.)

I hate mopping and loading the dishwasher.  I have no idea why, but I LOATHE this chores.  I'd rather do laundry and clean toilets for an hours than spend 15 minutes mopping or loading the dishwasher!

2. Brown or Black? Fly or Drive? Hot dog or Burger? Gold or Silver?

I like black for all things leather - purses, belts, shoes, etc.  I prefer brown when it comes to actually clothing - it makes me tanner.  However, I have a couple black dresses from Nora that look fabulous on me and I would not trade for brown anything.

I prefer to drive.  I have had bad plane experiences and my husband is terrified!  I look at it this was - with a car wreck there is a good chance you'll walk away...with a plane wreck, well, you're just f'd!

I LIKE WEINERS!  Hamburgers are ok, but you can't beat a big, steamy weiner!

I prefer white gold or silver.  Actually, I have this weird OCD thing with mixing silver (or white gold) and (yellow) gold.  For example, all most of my jewelry is white gold or silver, I will not mix it.  I will not even consider buying a purse or belt that has brass or goldtone hardware beacuse it won't go with my jewelry.  I am the same way about leathers; I will not wear black shoes with a brown purse!  I don't notice this on others, but on me I do not feel "put together" if I mix these things.  Weird, huh?

3. Repeat question: I’m going to pick a person not knowing your relationship with them or even if a relationships exists – and you then try to describe that person in 5 short sentences/words.

Maternal Grandmother




4. Even if you don’t have kids, how do you feel about kids in multiple sports during their school years? Were you in MULTIPLE sports all during school? Forced or by choice?

I was not in multiple sports - I was not athletic.  If my son wants to play multiple sports that will be fine if he is keeping up with his school work, able to get plenty of rest , and is not suffering injuries.  Sports should be fun and recreational as a child - not a job.

5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in real life and in blog land.

Blog land has been uneventful.  I continue to stalk you all while remaining silent.  I feel like I have nothing valuable to contribute.  But I do enjoy getting inspiration from you all!

Real life has been busy!  I am finally getting ahead at work.  Weightloss is back to a plateau after losing 10 lbs in 6 weeks.  ARG!

Friday, July 1, 2011


1. Let's stick with the pictures/exercise and shoe topic and post a picture of (or describe) your work out shoes.
ASICSĀ® GEL-Enduro 4 Women's Trail Running Shoe
These are my first ever running shoes.  I got them at JCP and they are great for a fat and flat footed runner.  Just enough support to be comfortable but I can still feel the road.

2. Again with the summer/hot theme of the week....what does your current swimsuit look like?

My swimsuit looks like a sports bra, tank top, and shorts...because that is what my swimsuit is!  I am not comfortable enough yet to wear a swimsuit.  The sad thig is when I get to goal weight I know this will still be an issue for me.  I have tried some on recently and I am atleast proud that there are plenty of options out there for the size that I am...but I just can't do it yet. 

3. Do you lay out, fake bake, sunless spray tan or use tanning lotion?

I have never used lotion or spray tan.  I live on a farm so in the summer I get some tan just from working outside.  In the winter time, I use my own tanning bed.  It's an older model (10+ years) that my mom bought when I was dad thoguht she had lost her mind.  I bought my parent's house from them last year and the tanning bed came with it. 

4. Describe your week in blogland and in real life.

Blogland: Nada.  I didn't do any blogging but I did follow everyone else and did some commenting.  I recieved a box full of AWESOME dresses and skirts from Nora from A Traveling Bandita.  I have worn two of the dresses now and for the first time since high school I felt hot!!!  I recieved many compliments and just felt good!

Real Life:  Things at work are getting stressful (more so than usual).  I have a grant proposal and a semi-annual report due in three weeks ON TOP of my normal caseload of probationers.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Calorie Question...

How many calories a day are you all eating?  I've been sticking between 1000 and 1500.  I also haave been running every other a day.  I only have lost 1lb in three weeks!  What is the deal!  I am getting discouraged.  I have been within the same 5 lb range since Christmas! Help!

Oh, I tried the shirataki tofu noodles...they were pretty good.  Also, I am in love with Hungry Girl at  I didn't even know she existed until last Friday!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Ok, so there is this older lady I work with that is part-time - only 10 hrs a week.  I have been open about my surgery at work.  This woman is truely a kind person but is as dumb as a rock.  She asks my about what I can eat and how much I have lost on a daily freaking basis.  I am a Probation Officer and have to be a bitch so much that I atleast try to be nice to coworkers - so, I play along with her little game.  Today, like every week, she asks me how much I have lost.  I tell her 81 lbs.  She then says "Wow, I can't believe you have lost that much, you still look the same".  Eighty F'ing Pounds and I still look the SAME!! WTF!!  I swear to you I had to fight the urge to tell her to "Fuck Off", order a pizza, and go to the bathroom to cry.  I do not think this lady is capable of being mean, I honestly believe this is what she thinks.  Three explainations have occured to me 1) She is too dumb to know what she really said, 2) She meant what she said and I haven't lost enough weight to show a big difference to her, or 3) She really is a nice person and didn't see me as the huge tub of lard I was before.  Who knows.  I have got to move past looking to others to validate me.

Catch Up and BYOC

Hello...It's been awhile...again

I've been very frustrated.  I have spent the past month logging my daily calories (ranging from 1000 to 1500 a day).  I also have been jogging 3 days a week.  Guess how much movement I've had on the scale....nada, zilch, zero!   What am I doing wrong!!!!  I'm going to keep at it in hopes that something will give soon. 

Also, why can't I comment?  I thought it got fixed but when I try to comment, it just sends me back to login!

And now for BYOC...

1. If you could pick any name on Earth for yourself – would you change yours and what would it be?

I'm okay with 'Dawn'.  I haven't meet many other women with the same name.  I was they only Dawn in school and I am the only Dawn at work.  I will admitt that I have had a fascination with the name 'Roxy' since I was little girl.  Not Roxanne, just Roxy.  If I were to change me name it would be to something like Roxy, Macy, or Emily.

2. If you’re a worker-outer…what time do you partake in such activities? There are SO many theories about when it’s best and not best to work out….like the morning is better since you have an empty stomach or the night is not good because you won’t be able to sleep…etc, etc. – so I’d like to hear your theories.

I workout when I can.  Usually on run on my days at home (weekends, Tues, or Thurs) and I have to take my two year old in the jogging stroller with me.  We aim for morning because it is cooler - usually 8 to 8:30am.  I do strength training twice a week when I can work it in - which is usually at 5:00am before my son wakes up and I go to work or at 7:00pm while my son and husband are eating dinner.  I am lucky because I have a huge office area in my barn (from when my family ran a business) that my sister and I have turned into a gym.  We have accumulated several pieces of equipment and have a stereo and tv out there.  So, I only have to walk a 100 feet to the gym and can take the baby monitor with me!
3. If you drive a car – what kind is it and if you could drive any car – what would it be?

I drive a Chevy Trailblazer and I am definitely an SUV girl.  I like setting higher than everyone else and having a bigger vehicle makes me feel safer, too.  Heck, I started driving SUVs as a freshman in college.  My first was a 1994 Ford Explorer for $5000 - boy was I proud.  I've had three Ford Explorers and two Chevy Trailblazer.  I actually traded my last Trailblazer in 2007 for a 2006 convertible Mustang because I wanted to try a car...Three month later I traded the Mustang back in for my 2007 Trailblazer.  I actually wish I could afford to drive a bigger SUV - like a Tahoe or Traverse...alas gas prices do not allow this. In a perfect world I would have a big ole fully loaded SUV and a new Camero for fun.  This will never happen...
4. Can you be totally honest in answering this next question and tell me what you think of tattoos? More importantly – what do you think of the people who have tattoos – specifically women?

I have always wanted a tattoo - I just can't think of anything that I am that committed too that I want to part with the money ;-)  I think the placement of a tattoo on a women and the subject determine whether or not I think "yuck" or "cool".  I think cute tattoos on a woman's ankles, feet, chest, or back are cool.  Tattoos on a woman's neck, forearms, wrists, and hands don't do much for me...I don't know why.  Gothic tattoos or  full sleeves on a woman make me think "yuck".  Piercings are a whole different story.  I had a nose ring in college and I have seven holes in my ears.  Tounge rings are even ok.  But the gauging crap I will never understand, Oh,and the peircings in lips and chins gross.
5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in blog land and in real life.

Blog Life - I read everyones blogs daily but I just can't seem to get my blogging mojo going.  I don't know if it's a time thing or if just don't think I have anything worth saying.

Real Life - Still working out and eating well but getting no where.  My son just started his first week of daycare with my Mom.  I am still adjusting to my new work schedule of 3 days in the office for 10 hrs each day and 2 days of working at home for 5 hrs a day.  I will like it once I get used to it.  This week I haven't seen hubby very much as he has been working nights.  He works for a concrete company and in the summer they do night pours for big jobs.  This weekend I am excited to start putting my son's B-day present together - a big redwood outdoor swingset/playset!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Friday!


I am so ready for the weekend.  Work has been crazy this week!

I am excited for tommorrow morning...I get to go shopping!  Now that hubby is back to work, I can go get my son and I some Spring duds.  B is growing like a weed and at 20 mos old he is ready for 3T!  There is this awesome consignment sale going on called Kids Closet that I am going to go to.  Hubby is going to watch B so I can actually think while I shop ;-)  After that, I am going to stop at a nice consignment store and look for some Spring clothes for me.  All my Spring clothes from last year are 2 to 3 sizes too big! 

On the Lap Band front, I got a fill on Tuesday and I think I may finally have it my sweet spot.  I can only eat about 4oz of food and it lasts me for 3-4 hrs.  I finally have to be really careful about chewing.  The negative is I PB'd for the first time :-(  Not fun but you live through it.  I have already lost 3 lbs since Tuesday!

Lately, I have been really into cooking.  I love making new band-friendly recipes and trying to make them family-friendly.  I have been scouring cookbooks in the evening and actually find in relaxing!  I am really tired of not getting dinner on the table until 7:30pm - it's just too late for my toddler.  So, last Saturday afternoon I made 5 meals and froze them.  We have ate them all week and have been done with dinner by 7pm!  So I'm going to make my grocery list and try to do the same for next week. 

Does anybody have any easy band-friendly freezeable recipes to share?

Have a Good Day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Totally of topic...Cell Phone advice

I am attempting to join the technology age and I am shopping for a smartphone.  I am so confused by the options....

My account in with Verizon and I have narrowed myself down to a HTC Droid or an LG Ally (or Vortex).  Both operate on Droid applications.  Does anyone have any advice and has anyone been able to coordinate thier Microsoft Outlook (the e-mail and calendar) with thier Droid?